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How to Interpret and Use VPAT Testing Results for Improved Accessibility?

vpat accessibility testing services

Accessibility is crossing the different dimensions of inclusivity, accessibility, and diverse digital environment. While there are several accessibility standards, the VPAT offers dedicated standards for the availability of the accessible products and services. VPAT stands for Voluntary Product Accessibility Template and is developed by the Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC). It has two parts: Product Information Page and the Success Criteria Table. 

Once the evaluation is completed, VPAT is further termed as ACR (Accessibility Conformance Report). It is a confirmation of enacting availability benchmarks that incorporate the congruency of the computerized item with WCAG. This write-up focuses on the role of the VPAT testing for improving accessibility of the digital content. 

Components of VPAT 

The different components of the VPAT covers the following:

  • Product Information Page

This includes basic details like the name of the product, the date of report development, and the evaluation tools used. This helps the buyer to have a glance at the product’s accessibility. 

It has a report title (Firm’s name testing accessibility), VPAT heading information (template version), name of the product, report date, contact, evaluation methods, and applicable standards (like WCAG 2.0). VPAT accessibility conformance report results in the detailed product information page. 

  • Success Criteria Table

This depicts the product compliance with the WCAG through different levels of conformance like A, AA, and AAA, having 1 table for each. A Success Criterion shifts from level A to level AAA, drawing a picture of perfection.

It helps in understanding the overall success criteria of the VPAT accessibility. 

  • Conformance level

4 conformance levels depend on the functionality of the product and whether it meets the respective criteria. These include Supports, Partially Supports, Does not Supports and Not Applicable.  

These levels help define the details of the accessibility conformance levels of specific digital products.

  • Remarks and explanation

It comprises the declaration in notes specific to the criteria and their compliance. It is crucial to have filled sections, regardless of the fulfillment of Success Criteria.

These remarks and explanations help in detailed understanding of the accessibility standards.

  • Interpretation 

While going through all bases of a VPAT, one should look for higher conformance levels, a well-detailed product information page and a populated section of remarks attached to the report. 

Although it is great to have a VPAT, it does not conform to all the criteria of accessibility. A buyer should evaluate the VPAT cautiously. A good VPAT report stands up to questioning.

  • Red Flags

To quickly examine a VPAT result, one must pay attention to the red flags. These can be:

  • All “support”

  • All “NA”

  • Blank cells 

  • VPAT dated a year ago

  • Single VPAT for multiple products 

  • Having only automated tools for evaluation

Contact us at to learn more about our VPAT Accessibility

Advantages of the VPAT testing

The key benefits of using VPAT evaluation for your technical products and services:

Vendors can use VPAT to:

  • Enhance client base

By using VPAT for the evaluation of their products, vendors can increase the organic traffic who value accessibility and reach out to those who have disabilities. This helps to flaunt their products. 

  • Confirmation of legalities

This assists vendors to set up a legal conformance of following standards and guidelines abided by law. It also serves as a shield for any lawsuits against their services.

Buyers can use VPAT for their benefits as under:

  • Strategy and application

Assessing a VPAT of a product can assist buyers in understanding its accessibility attributes and bridge the gap between perfection and the current feasibility of the products. 

  • Distinguish between better products

A VPAT report enables us to evaluate better services and products in the digital field by giving a compact report of what we want and what is offered.

Summing words

To recap, VPAT testing is not an assurance of accessibility but a manual document of compliance that conforms to WCAG guidelines. As much as it is necessary to have a VPAT of your digital product, one should be truly aware of the interpretation and the red flags mentioned.

Not to miss are the key components and advantages of the VPAT evaluation for modern businesses.


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