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How to Use an AODA Website Compliance Checker to Ensure Accessibility?

The accessibility guidelines offer the right standards for helping companies offer inclusive and diverse content for the masses. It covers the general audience and people suffering from different impairments. To make digital content accessible for the people of Ontario, the content must align with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). 

Hence, many businesses look forward to partnering with the dedicated AODA website compliance checkers. This blog helps you to find the right steps to optimize the benefits of accessible content based on the AODA compliances.

AODA Website Compliance Checker: An Overview

These are the dedicated compliance checkers focusing on the compliance of the websites with the guidelines of Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). It ensures that websites must adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 or 2.1.

The key principles under consideration here are:

  • Perceivable 

It ensures that the web content must be presented in different ways for easy perception of the content.

  • Operable 

All the website content should be operable by the general audience and people suffering from impairments.

  • Understandable 

The operation and information of websites must be understandable by all types of audiences.

  • Robust 

Web content should be robust for easily accessible current and future technologies.

Steps to use an AODA website compliance checker to ensure accessibility

After having a quick overview of the AODA website compliance test, here are the key steps to use these checkers to promote accessibility:

  • Step 1: Selecting the right website compliance checker

The first step here is to select the right web compliance checker according to your immediate needs. It can be from Siteimprove, Axe, or WAVE. The selection of the right checker is based on different features like detailed reports, suggestions for remediation, and automated testing.

  • Step 2: Preparing the website for the test

The second step is to ensure that the website is live and accessible for the test. If the website has only a prototype, it is crucial to ensure proper backup of the web content. All the changes are made on the checker’s recommendations and help websites to prevent any data loss. 

  • Step 3: Testing with the compliance checker

Next, the AODA website compliance checker comes into action. Here, companies can easily submit the website URL and initiate the website scan for the identification of accessibility issues. It may take several seconds to several minutes based on the size and complexity of the website. 

  • Step 4: Reviewing the compliance checker results

The results from the compliance checker are now categorized into the errors which cover the issues that must be fixed and warnings which cover issues that are not immediate but should be addressed.

  • Step 5: Interpreting the test findings

The findings from the website compliance tests offer solutions like alternative text for images, highly functional labels, and proper color contrast. It covers a conceptual understanding of web development and accessibility principles to grasp the website content precisely.

  • Step 6: Fixing the accessibility issues

While the key accessibility remediation solutions are easy to understand, the implementation of these solutions is essential for fixing the accessibility issues. It is carefully performed by the accessibility experts. The accessibility teams further run the compliance checkers to ensure that the accessibility remediation measures are properly resolved.

Contact us at to learn more about our AODA Compliance Testing Services.

  • Step 7: Offering consistent monitoring and updates

The AODA website compliance test understands that accessibility is not a single-step process but an ongoing process. The regular use of web compliance checkers helps companies monitor the web content and features based on the changing accessibility standards. It further covers training of the company’s teams to stay updated with the accessibility upgrades.

Summing Up

AODA website compliance checker helps in ensuring that the website is highly accessible and compliant with legal standards. It is easy to understand the dedicated steps to use these checkers for optimized benefits of accessibility. Not to miss is the ongoing commitment to going beyond compliance while reflecting the business’s dedication to equal access and inclusivity.


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